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Academic Advisement Report

Request an evaluation to learn how close you are to a degree at UMGC Asia as a potential or current student.

Official Evaluation

Academic advisors provide you with the information needed to plan an academic program. The purpose of the official evaluation/academic advisement report is to show your certificate or degree progress and to help you select appropriate courses. Official evaluations are available to students who have been admitted and intend to complete a UMGC certificate or degree.

Tentative evaluations are also available to all new and prospective students to see how close you are to a degree and help you enroll in courses until your official evaluation is complete. For a free tentative evaluation, please contact your local UMGC site or academic advisor. You can request a copy via e-mail or schedule an advising appointment by contacting your local advising office or field office.

You will need to submit official documents, including your military documents, after enrolling in your first course and during your first term.

An official evaluation/academic advisement report

  • Includes all documented transfer credit earned up to the date of the evaluation that may be applied to a UMGC degree program

  • Lists all courses completed at UMGC

  • Incorporates other types of documented (non-traditional academic) credit

  • Indicates the amount and type of coursework still required for the certificate or degree being sought

An official evaluation/academic advisement report is based on the curriculum in effect when the student first registered with UMGC or any Maryland public two- or four-year school provided there has been no break in enrollment exceeding two years.

In the academic advisement report, a student's most recent courses are applied to requirements first. Courses that could apply to multiple requirements are assigned to the first relevant category in the following order: general education requirements, requirements for the selected academic major and minor, and electives. Verification of other degree-wide requirements (such as minimum number of upper-level credits) follows and may affect the remaining credits needed for the degree. Students should review the specific notes concerning their remaining requirements that can be found at the top of the report.

Documents Required for an Official Evaluation/Academic Advisement Report

During the student's first session at UMGC, all records of previous educational experiences must be sent directly from each issuing institution (or other source, in the case of military documents) to:

Attn: Undergraduate Transcripts
University of Maryland Global Campus
3501 University Boulevard East
Adelphi, MD 20783-8070 USA

If electronic transcripts are available, they can be sent directly from the issuing institute to

Documents required for an official evaluation include:

  • CLEP, USAFI/DSST, Excelsior College Exams (ECEP formerly RCEP, ACT/PEP),
    or other test results, as appropriate
  • Official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended
  • Appropriate military documents
  • Industry-specific certifications

An official evaluation cannot be started until an official transcript has been received directly from each institution attended, including other institutions of the University System of Maryland, even when credit from one institution is posted on the transcript of another institution. All transcripts and military documents become the property of UMGC Asia and cannot be returned to, copied for, or forwarded to a third party for the student. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all appropriate documents have been received by UMGC.

UMGC may deny transfer credit from any institution not listed on the application for admission. Sources of transfer credit not listed at the time of admission or not approved by an advisor after admission cannot be applied toward UMGC certificates or degrees.

UMGC encourages students to track the status of their transcripts within MyUMGC. To see the status of your transcripts, log in to MyUMGC and go to Student Center > drop down menu (in Academics box) > Select Previous Education. Upon receipt of your last required transcript it will take approximately 20 business days for your official evaluation to be completed.

Once the official evaluation is completed, you will see it in MyUMGC: Student Center > drop down menu (in Academics box) > Academic Requirements > View My Advisement Report

Students may request that their official evaluation be updated or changed to a different program by contacting their local advising office. Students may change their degree program only one time per term but not more than three times per academic year. Additional information on official evaluations may be requested from your local academic advisor.

Review of International Records

Students who attend a non-U.S. institution (e.g., German Gymnasium or Italian Liceo) or international postsecondary educational institutions for which transfer credit may be awarded must:

  • Be admitted and be seeking an undergraduate degree at UMGC.

  • Mail their official international school documents to the international credit evaluation services selected by UMGC. Please click here for information on this type of evaluation and a list of approved agencies.

  • Provide unofficial copies of the above documents to UMGC Asia.

  • Pay fees associated with the international evaluation.

  • Have all official transcripts from any U.S. institution previously attended sent to the UMGC transcript office.

Curriculum Planning Sheets

UMGC degree-seeking students receive their official evaluation in the form of the curriculum planning sheet or a virtual academic advisement report that will

  • Indicate the requirements that have been completed both through UMGC courses and through transfer of other credit, if applicable

  • Show remaining requirements in each part of the certificate/degree curriculum

Students can use their curriculum planning sheet to help them select suitable courses toward a UMGC certificate or degree. While the virtual academic advisement report is automatically updated as students enroll in UMGC courses, the curriculum planning sheet needs to be updated by the student. Students should also refer to their academic program to ensure their selections fulfill the certificate and degree requirements. Students receiving VA educational benefits or federal financial aid must follow the curriculum planning sheet closely. No award can be made for any course that does not fit into the student's degree program. Course selection advice is also available upon request from UMGC Asia academic advisors.

Tutorial: How to Read Your Advisement Report (AAR)

Learn how to read and understand your undergraduate academic advisement report (AAR).


The academic advising staff is available by telephone, e-mail, and appointments.

Contact Us

Our helpful admissions advisors can help you choose an academic program to fit your career goals, estimate your transfer credits, and develop a plan for your education costs that fits your budget. If you're a current UMGC student, please visit the Help Center.

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    By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you intend to sign this form electronically and that your electronic signature is the equivalent of a handwritten signature, with all the same legal and binding effect. You are giving your express written consent without obligation for UMGC to contact you regarding our educational programs and services using e-mail, phone, or text, including automated technology for calls and/or texts to the mobile number(s) provided. For more details, including how to opt out, read our privacy policy or contact an admissions advisor.

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