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Student Rights and Responsibilities

Learn about your rights and responsibilities while attending UMGC Asia.

Academic Integrity

All members of the University of Maryland Global Campus community are expected to maintain the highest level of integrity across the academic experience. For students, intellectually honest academic work represents independent analysis, acknowledges all sources of information that contribute to the ideas being explored, and ensures the ability to engage in life and work authentically. See Academic Integrity for more information.

Appealing a Grade

College and university students inevitably encounter faculty members who vary widely in teaching philosophy and demeanor and who use different teaching styles. Not only is teaching influenced by course content, there are also many ways of conveying the same material. It is only natural that students will like the style and personality of some faculty members more than others. Disagreement with a faculty member over demeanor and teaching style, however, is not grounds for a grade appeal. Students have the opportunity to express their opinions on these matters through the course evaluation forms they complete for every UMGC Asia course.

Regardless of teaching style, it may happen that a student believes a faculty member's determination of a final course grade has been arbitrary and capricious. The phrase "arbitrary and capricious grading" is defined in UMGC Policy 130.80 (in Appendix F) as:

  • A final course grade assigned on some basis other than performance in the course; or
  • A final course grade assigned by resorting to unreasonable standards different from those that were applied to other students in that course; or
  • A final course grade assigned by a substantial, unreasonable, or unannounced departure from the faculty member's previously articulated grading standards.

The established performance standards for a course grade are communicated in the syllabus and other course materials. A student who believes his or her final grade has not been based on such standards may pursue the appeal process. The student should first confer promptly with the faculty member of the course. There is a time limit on appealing a grade; students who want to appeal a grade must initiate the process within 30 days of the posting of the grade.

If the student has not been able to contact the faculty member after a reasonable effort, or if the student and faculty member cannot, after consultation, reach a satisfactory resolution, the student may file a written request with the appeal administrator (the associate dean, UMGC Asia) asking how the final grade was calculated. If the course was offered via online learning, the student's concerns will also include our Adelphi educational offices.

Procedures for appealing a grade are detailed in UMGC Policy 130.80, "Procedures for Review of Alleged Arbitrary and Capricious Grading," also found in Appendix F of the Undergraduate Catalog.


The student is responsible for attending all classes and any related activities regularly and punctually. In some courses, faculty may base part of the final grade on class participation. Absence from class does not excuse a student from missed coursework. The student is responsible for obtaining detailed information about missed class sessions, including their content, activities covered, and any announcements or assignments. Failure to complete any required coursework may adversely affect the student's grade. Faculty are not expected to repeat material that a student has missed because of the student's absence from class.

For an eight-week course, students should expect to spend about six hours per week in class discussion and activities (online and on-site) and two to three times that number of hours outside the class engaging in study, assigned reading and preparation of assignments. Students are expected to achieve the same learning outcomes and do the same amount of work in an online course as they would in an on-site course. Active participation is required in all online courses, and students should expect to log in to their online courses several times a week.

Technology Use

UMGC is committed to ensuring that students acquire the level of fluency in information technology they need to participate actively in contemporary society and have access to up-to-date resources. All UMGC students must be prepared to participate in asynchronous, computer-based class discussions, study groups, online database searches, course evaluations, and other online activities whether their course is held online or in a classroom.

Internet Access

All UMGC students must therefore ensure that they have access to the Internet and have a current e-mail address. If the student does not have Internet access through a home computer, he or she may use one at a UMGC computer lab, a university or public library, or another source. However, that source should be regularly available, and the student may need to be able to submit assignments electronically.

Review the most current technical requirements here.

Electronic File Sharing

Peer-to-peer programs permit computers to share data in the form of music, movies, games, computer files, and software.

All users of the UMGC network are required to comply with federal copyright laws. UMGC network users are not permitted to share unauthorized copyrighted material over the UMGC network, whether on personally owned or on university computers.

Any unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials on the university network, including peer-to-peer file sharing, is a violation of federal law and UMGC policies. Violations may lead to disciplinary proceedings and, in some cases, civil and criminal legal action. Please review UMGC's computing resource policies and computer use policy for more information.

More information on how to legally download music is available on the Recording Industry Association of America web-site. Information on how to legally download movies and television programs is provided on the Motion Picture Association of America web-site.

Important Reminder About Illegal Downloading

Code of Civility

To promote a positive, collegial atmosphere among students, faculty, and staff, UMGC has developed the following Code of Civility:

Treat all students, faculty, and staff with respect and in a professional and courteous manner at all times and in all communications, whether in person or in written communication (including e-mail).

Refrain from using profanity, insults, or other disparaging remarks.

Endeavor to cite only the truth and not knowingly misrepresent, mischaracterize, or misquote information received from others.

Take responsibility for our own actions instead of blaming others.

Work together with other students, faculty, and staff in a spirit of cooperation toward our common goals of seeking and providing quality education.

Strive to uphold the right to privacy and not talk about others.

Respect the differences in people and their ideas and opinions and reject bigotry.

Code of Student Conduct

UMGC Policy 151.00, "Code of Student Conduct" outlines prohibited conduct and the procedures by which such conduct is addressed. The university reserves the right to take appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the UMGC community.

You may be accountable to both civil authorities and to UMGC for acts that constitute violations of law and of this code. Disciplinary action at UMGC normally will go forward pending criminal proceedings and will not be subject to challenge on the grounds that criminal charges involving the same incident have been dismissed or reduced.

In every case of alleged Code of Student Conduct violation, the burden of proof rests with the complainant, who must establish the responsibility of the person accused by a preponderance of evidence. In cases where the complainant wishes to remain anonymous, the burden of proof rests with the administrator.

Sexual Misconduct

UMGC is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which all persons who participate in university programs and activities, perform work, and provide services can learn and work together in an atmosphere free from sexual misconduct, a form of sex-based discrimination. UMGC provides training, education, prevention programs, and policies and procedures that promote prompt reporting; prohibit retaliation; and promote timely, fair, and impartial investigation and resolution of sexual misconduct cases.

Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the UMGC’s Title IX coordinator or the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights. If you have any questions regarding sexual misconduct or need to report a complaint, contact the Title IX coordinator. For details on UMGC’s sexual misconduct policy, see UMGC Policy 041.00 Sexual Misconduct.


Students are responsible for obtaining information about quizzes and examination schedules and policies. Final examinations are usually given during the last scheduled class meeting for classes meeting on-site.

Make-up examinations and tests may be given to students who for valid reasons are unable to take exams at the scheduled time. Faculty are not required to offer makeup examinations because of a student's absence unless the student can present evidence that it was caused by unavoidable circumstances or occurred on a religious holiday. In such cases, an examination may be rescheduled at the mutual convenience of the student and faculty member and must cover only the material for which the student was originally responsible. Such a rescheduling must not cause a conflict with the student's other classes. A student who must be absent from a course excessively should confer with the faculty member; if it is necessary to withdraw from the course, the student is responsible for completing the withdrawal (drop) through MyUMGC or by providing intent to withdraw in writing to a UMGC Asia office.

GoArmyEd students must follow the procedures for withdrawal described in the GoArmyEd Portal.

UMGC Policy 51.00, Religious Observances, may also be found in Appendix D of the Undergraduate Catalog.


UMGC subscribes to a policy of equal educational and employment opportunity and does not discriminate against or harass any person because of race, religion, color, creed, gender, marital status, age, national origin, ancestry, political affiliation, veteran status, mental or physical disability, or sexual orientation. All inquiries regarding UMGC Asia's compliance with statutes and regulations should be addressed to the Equal Opportunity Officer, via e-mail at Additional information may be found in Policy 040.30 Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity.

Student Grievance Procedures

The procedures necessary to file a formal complaint concerning the actions of members of the UMGC faculty or administrative staff are detailed in UMGC policy 130.70, "Student Grievance Procedures". Students who wish to seek redress for the acts or omissions of a faculty or staff member must first request a conference with that person and attempt to resolve the complaint informally within 14 days of the alleged act or omission.

Transfer of Credits Within UMGC

Transferring from one part of UMGC to another is simple and free. If a student wishes to transfer from UMGC Asia to UMGC Stateside or UMGC Europe, she/he need only complete the Relocation Request in MyUMGC.

Transfer of UMGC Credits to Another Institution

To have credits transferred which were earned through UMGC, each student must obtain authoritative guidance from the destination institution (including other institutions in the University System of Maryland). Only the destination institution can answer specific questions about its own residency and degree requirements or about the applicability of UMGC courses to its curricula. Specific policies dealing with transfer students may be found in Appendix A and in Appendix B of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Writing Standards

It is UMGC policy that all courses, with the possible exception of mathematics courses, should involve some form of written work, and that writing standards should be uniform across the curriculum. To assist students in acquiring and improving the skills necessary to produce college-level written work, UMGC offers a sequence of writing courses with the designation WRTG. In addition, UMGC's Effective Writing Center provides advice and feedback on students' writing assignments.

In general, writing assignments are graded according to four criteria: (i) organization, (ii) audience accommodation, (iii) grammar and word choice, and (iv) content. If outside sources are used, a fifth criterion is documentation of such sources.

In line with UMGC's standard grading methods (see Grading Methods section), a grade of A is given for outstanding writing, a grade of B for superior writing, a grade of C for good writing, and a grade of D for substandard writing.

For more information on writing standards and grading, see the Effective Writing Center document "How Is Writing Graded?"

Correct documentation of sources used in writing assignments is one topic covered in (1 Credit, LIBS 150).

Contact Us

Our helpful admissions advisors can help you choose an academic program to fit your career goals, estimate your transfer credits, and develop a plan for your education costs that fits your budget. If you're a current UMGC student, please visit the Help Center.

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