Choosing a minor is strongly encouraged even though it is optional. You may not take a major and minor in the same area and may not receive a dual minor. The number of credits required to complete an academic minor varies according to academic program. At least half the credits earned within the minor must be upper level (unless otherwise specified) and must be earned through UMGC.
No grade may be lower than C. Specific coursework is prescribed for each minor and is described below.
The accounting minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing a study of how the accounting environment measures and communicates the economic activities of organizations to enable stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding the allocation of limited resources.
A minor in accounting requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in accounting. Any ACCT courses apply.
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The art history minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by helping to develop skills in historical and cultural interpretation and critical analysis of works of architecture, sculpture, painting, and the allied arts.
A minor in art history requires the completion of the following courses:
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The biology minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by helping to provide an underlying scientific base upon which to build a career in the life sciences, allied health fields, bioinformatics, environmental management, science journalism, or science education.
A minor in biology requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in biology. Any BIOL courses apply.
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The business administration minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing a study of principles and techniques used in organizing, planning, managing, and leading within various organizations.
A minor in business administration requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in business administration. Any ACCT, BMGT, FINC, HMGT, HRMN, and MRKT courses apply. It is recommended that you take (3 Credits, BMGT 364) as the first course in the minor (if you have not already applied the course to other requirements).
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The communication studies minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by helping you develop specialized skills in workplace communication, including written and oral communication skills and a greater understanding of human interaction.
A minor in communication studies requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in communication studies. All COMM, JOUR, SPCH, and WRTG courses apply. It is recommended that you take (3 Credits, COMM 300) early in the minor (if you have not already applied the course toward other degree requirements).
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The computer science minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing the foundations for designing and programming computer applications in support of most occupations and developing a process for solving challenging problems.
A minor in computer science requires the completion of 15 credits in computer science coursework, including the following two-course sequence in programming:
The remaining 9 credits may be chosen from any upper-level CMSC courses (i.e., courses numbered 300 or above). Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above).
Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
A minor in criminal justice requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in criminal justice. Any CCJS courses apply. It is recommended that you take (3 Credits, CCJS 100) or (3 Credits, CCJS 105) as the first course in the minor (if you have not already applied the course toward other degree requirements).
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The cybersecurity minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing a study of the principles, issues, and technologies pertinent to the field of cybersecurity.
A minor in cybersecurity requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in cybersecurity. All CSIA and CMIT courses apply.
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
A minor in East Asian studies requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in East Asian studies, which must include (3 Credits, ASTD 284) and Introduction to (3 Credits, ASTD 285). Courses allowable for the major in East Asian studies apply.
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor’s degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The economics minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing a study of the forces that determine production and distribution, price levels, and income distribution, as well as other economic factors that influence the quality of life.
A minor in economics requires the completion of the following courses:
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The English minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing exposure to literary analysis, critical thinking and reading, and the study of the relationship of literature to contemporary intellectual issues.
A minor in English requires the completion of the following courses:
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The history minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by offering a historical perspective and by helping you to develop critical thinking and an appreciation of the major contributions of various events and individuals to human civilization.
A minor in history requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in history, as follows:
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The homeland security minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing knowledge of the concepts of domestic and international security.
A minor in homeland security requires the completion of the following courses:
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The human resource management minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by examining the human resource functions in a private- or public-sector organizational setting. These functions include human resource planning; recruitment, selection, and placement; employee appraisal and compensation; employee training and career development; management of labor relations; and development of a human resource department implementation plan.
A minor in human resource management requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in human resource management. Any HRMN courses apply. It is recommended that you take (3 Credits, HRMN 300) and (3 Credits, HRMN 400) for the minor (if you have not already applied the courses elsewhere in the degree).
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and and general education requirements.
The management information systems minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by helping you develop your abilities to conceptualize and manage the design and implementation of high-quality information systems.
A minor in management information systems requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in information systems management. All IFSM courses apply.
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The marketing minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by enhancing the knowledge and skills related to marketing situations and processes and the emerging global marketplace.
A minor in marketing requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in marketing. All MRKT courses apply. It is recommended that you take MRKT 310 as the first course in the minor (if you have not already applied the course toward other degree requirements).
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The philosophy minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing a study of the relationships between personal opinions and real-world issues faced by members of a pluralistic, open society.
A minor in philosophy requires the completion of the following courses:
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The political science minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing a systematic study of politics and government. It exposes you to the basic concepts, theories, policies, and roles of government at local, state, and national levels in domestic and foreign settings.
A minor in political science requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in government and politics. All GVPT courses apply. It is recommended that you take (3 Credits, GVPT 100), (3 Credits, GVPT 101), or (3 Credits, GVPT 170) as the first course in the minor (if you have not already applied the course toward other degree requirements).
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The psychology minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by investigating the nature of mind and behavior, including the biological basis of behavior, perception, memory and cognition; the influence of environmental and social forces on the individual, personality, and lifespan development and adjustment; research methods; and statistical analysis.
A minor in psychology requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in psychology as follows:
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.
The sociology minor complements the skills you gain in your major discipline by providing a study of contemporary sociological theory and research and applying it to social issues, including globalization, social inequality, diversity, health care, education, family, work, and religion.
A minor in sociology requires the completion of 15 credits of coursework in sociology. All SOCY courses apply. It is recommended that you take (3 Credits, SOCY 100) as the first course in the minor (if you have not already applied the course toward other degree requirements).
Courses already applied toward other degree requirements (e.g., major or general education) may not be applied toward the minor. At least 9 credits must be earned in upper-level courses (numbered 300 or above). Prerequisites apply for all courses.
For a listing of all the requirements for the bachelor's degree, refer to your major and general education requirements.